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Источники иллюстрации

Cover - G. Holton from Photo Researchers, Inc.

1 - G. Langsbury from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

5 - R. F. Head from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

6-7 - Steve Wilson.

9 - T. Myers from Photo Researchers, Inc.

15, 16-17 - Rougier, Time Inc.

18 - G. Holton from Photo Researchers, Inc.

19 - (left) lougier, Time Inc., (right) W. Curtsinger from Rapho Division, Photo Researchers, Inc.

20, 21, 22 - G. Holton from Photo Researchers, Inc.

23 - W. Curtsinger from Rapho Division, Photo Researchers, Inc.

24-25 - (top) F. Erize from Bruce Coleman, Inc. 24 - bottom) F. Erize from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

25 - (bottom) Rougier, Time Inc.

26 - (top) S. Dalton from Photo Researchers, Inc., (bottom) L. Nutting from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

27 - (left) B. Wilson from Photo Researchers, Inc., (right) G. Holton from Photo Researchers, Inc.

28 - (left) D. Hill from Photo Researchers, Inc, (right) A. Rider from Photo Researchers, Inc.

29 - F. Baldwin from Photo Researchers, Inc.

31 - R. Kinne from Photo Researchers, Inc.

32 - Peter Kaplan.

33 - (left and right) W. Curtsinger from Rapho Division, Photo Researchers, Inc.

34-35 - Bill Epperidge, Time Inc. 35 - N. Medina from Photo Researchers, Inc.

36 - (left) Peter Kaplan, (right) S. Botwinick from Photo Researchers, Inc.

37 - (left) Paul Chesley, (right) B. Griffiths from Photo Researchers, Inc.

38 - (left) B. Reeves from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc., (right) M. Heiberg rom Photo Researchers, Inc.

39 - Jen and Des Bartlett from Bruce loleman, Inc.

40 - (left) S. Halvorsen from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

40-41 - S. Sprunt from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

43 - K. Fink from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

44 - W. Crich from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

45 - (top) H. Cruickshank from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc, (bottom) T. Deane from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

48 - R. Petersen from Photo Researchers, Inc.

49 - (left) G. Silk, Time Inc., (right) M. Kahl from Photo Researchers, Inc.

51 - A. Bailey from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

52 - G. Holton from Photo Researchers, Inc.

53 - C. Haagner from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

54 - K. Kenyon from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

55 - C. Robertson.

58-59 - R. Kinne from Photo Researchers, Inc.

59 - B. Wilson from Photo Researchers, Inc.

61, 62-63, 63 - M. Kahl from Photo Researchers, Inc.

64 - J. Dominis, Time Inc.

64-65- Paul Chesley.

70-71, 72-73 - G. Silk, Time Inc.

74 - M. Kahl from Photo Researchers, Inc.

75 - (top) R. Petersen from Photo Researchers, Inc. (bottom) M. Kahl from Photo Researchers, Inc.

76 - (left) K. Fink from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc., (right) S. Collins from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

77 - (top) Gail Rubin, (bottom) Peter Kaplan.

78 - (top) J. Fernandez from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom) j. Van Wormer from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

79, 80-81 - M. P.Kahl from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

83 - H. Cruickshank from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

84 - (left) M. Griffith from Photo Researchers, Inc., (right) G. Silk, Time Inc.

85 - (top) M. and R. Borland from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom, left and right) G. Silk, Time Inc.

86 - G. Silk, Time Inc.

87 - F. Merlet frbm Bruce Coleman, Inc.

89 - M. Kahl from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

90-91 - M. Warren from Photo Researchers, Inc

91 - C. Lock-wood from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

92 - (top) J. Van Wormer from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom) Peter Kaplan.

93 - (left) M. Kahl from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (right) B. Griffiths from Photo Researchers, Inc.

95 - G. Smith from Photo Researchers, I nc.

96 - Ralph Graves.

97 - (top) W. Curtsinger from Rapho Division, Photo Researchers, Inc, (bottom) D. Plow-den from Photo Researchers, Inc.

99 - K. Fink from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

100 - Jen and Des Bartlett from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

101 - (top) B. Norton from Photo Researchers, Inc., (bottom) M. Kahl from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

102 - (top) L. Rue from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom) K. Kenyon from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

103 - (top) Jen and Des Bartlett from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom) L. M. Stone from Bruce Coleman, I nc

104 - R. Petersen from Photo Researchers, Inc

105 - R. Pelham from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

106 - (top and bottom) J. Flannery from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

107 - W. von dem Bussche from Photo Researchers, Inc.

108, 109 - Nina Leen.

110 - (top, left) H. Cruickshank from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc., (top, right) M. Kahl from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom, left) R. Kinne from Photo Researchers, Inc., (bottom, right) J. Van Wormer from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

111 - (top, left and right) K. Fink from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (center, left) J. Van Wormer from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (center, right) K. Fink from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom, left) G. Langsbury from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom, right) P. Scott from Photo Researchers, Inc.

112 - T. Deane from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

113 - (top) K. Fink from Bruce Coleman, Inc., (bottom) J. Simon from Photo Researchers, Inc.

115 - G. Langsbury from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

116-117 - C. Lockwood from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

117 - M. Kahl from Photo Researchers, Inc.

118 - T. Florio from National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

118-119 - J. Van Wormer from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

122 - F. Grehan from Photo Researchers, Inc.

123 - (top) Peter Kaplan, (bottom) D. and R. Sullivan from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

124-125 - V. Merritt, Time Inc.

128 - G. Langsbury from Bruce Coleman, Inc.

Photographs on endpapers are used courtesy of Time-Life Picture Agency and Russ Kinne and Stephen Dalton of Photo Researchers, Inc.

Film sequences on pages 8, 13 and 25 are from "Swans: The Royal Birds" and "The Private Life of the Magellan Penguin", programs in the Time-Life Television series Wild, Wild World of Animals.

Map on pages 10-11 is by Richard Edes Harrison.

Illustration on pages 10-11 is by Arthur Singer; illustration on page 12 is by Enid Kotschnig. The illustrations on pages 46-47; 66-67 and 68-69 are by John Groth. The illustration on page 57 is by Gustave Dore, used by permission of Culver Pictures Inc. On page 121, the aquatint engraving of a watercolor painting by John J. Audubon is used courtesy of the National Audubon Society Collection, Photo Researchers, Inc.

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